Behind every great man is a great wingman: Michael Jordan had Scottie Pippen, George Bush the First had Dan Quayle, and Han Solo had Chewbacca. But sadly you can't just snap your fingers and find a Dan Quayle, so I have been forced to scrape by with Ted as my wingman for the last few years. But no more. I am in the market for a new wingman.
HERE is my "Application to be Barney Stinson's Wingman." If you think you're up to the job — and let's face it, you're probably not — please complete the form and email it to
- The Barnacle
Question: You're heading out for a boys' night, and your best friend asks you to be their Wing Man because tonight he wants to hunt a cougar. How would Barney adjust his game plan? let us know on the cougar hunting page...
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