Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"Rebound Bro" Recap & Review

How I Met Your Mother
“Rebound Bro”

Original Air Date: May 5, 2008

Rachel – Legendary Staff Writer

When we left the gang last week, something drastic had just occurred: Ted broke up with Barney. Ted said he had outgrown Barney as a friend and didn’t really miss him. Besides, things have been going well with Stella, Ted’s new girlfriend, so even if the rest of the gang misses Barney, Ted is cool with it. He is happy… well, sort of: he still hasn’t met Stella’s daughter AND they haven’t had sex yet. Oh, the humanity!

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Anonymous said...

How I Met Your Mother
“Rebound Bro”

Original Air Date: May 5, 2008

Rachel – Legendary Staff Writer

When we left the gang last week, something drastic had just occurred: Ted broke up with Barney. Ted said he had outgrown Barney as a friend and didn’t really miss him. Besides, things have been going well with Stella, Ted’s new girlfriend, so even if the rest of the gang misses Barney, Ted is cool with it. He is happy… well, sort of: he still hasn’t met Stella’s daughter AND they haven’t had sex yet. Oh, the humanity!

Barney, unlike Ted, is a complete wreck after the bro breakup. He is still buying superfluous things from SkyMall and is on the hunt for a new wing man; someone to fill the vacancy of Vice President of Awesome. Enter Will Forte as Ralph. Now, to look at Randy, one would not think “awesome” but rather “not awesome.” Barney takes this as a challenge and decides to make Randy his new disciple.

Meanwhile, Ted and Stella decide to take the next step in their relationship and make a date to end their respective dry spells: for Ted it’s been 5 months, for Stella it’s been 5 years. What? Stella sagely states that guys regret the women they don’t sleep with, and women regret the men they DO sleep with. For five years, Stella has had no regrets and has sheltered her daughter, Lucy, from any bad mistakes her mom might have made. Now, because she trusts Ted, she is ready to make that further commitment. Leave it to Ted to ruin it by telling Lily and Marshall everything and embarrassing Stella. As she leaves in a huff, Ted is convinced she was just looking for an excuse to sabotage the relationship because she is sacred.

At the bar, Barney is trying to teach Randy the ways of the Force. I mean, the ways of the Bro. It is not working. Randy worships Barney (he’s been reading Barney’s Blog for months), but none of the rico suave has rubbed off. To make matters worse, Randy gets a nosebleed whenever he gets an erection, which is apparently often. Like, whenever he so much as speaks to a girl. There’s a keeper! Robyn tries to help by letting Randy practice his wing man skills on her, but… nosebleed. Barney can’t figure out why he is failing with Randy. Robyn diagnoses Barney’s problem: he has rashly jumped into a new wing man relationship to fill the void Ted has left. Randy is Barney’s Rebound Bro. Barney needs to suck it up and move on.

The next morning, Stella returns to Ted’s apartment to apologize for getting mad at him. She admits she was looking for a reason to distrust Ted because their relationship is getting serious and she was getting scared. Finally, she is ready for their relationship to take the most major step to date… no, not sex, but meeting Lucy, Stella’s daughter. Oh, then they have sex.

My favorite moment of the episode: The reference to that great 80s franchise “Breakin’” with “Virginity 2: Electric Boogaloo.” I also loved Barney’s three steps to getting the girl: isolate her from her friends, repeat her name in conversation, and subtly put her down. Nice.

What do YOU think? Was Will Forte awesome or what? What was your longest “dry spell?” Is Stella the Mother? Give us your Two Cents… we’ll use it get Randy some medical attention.

Next week: “Everything Must Go”