Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How I Met Your Mother – Recap & Review – “Woooo!”

How I Met Your Mother

Original Air Date: 17 Nov 2008

Rachel – TwoCents Associate Editor

Lily has a problem. She has a friend from work, see, whom she wants to hang out with outside of the elementary school walls. The problem? Said friend, Jillian (Jamie-Lynn Sigler), is a Woo Girl. What is a Woo Girl, you might ask? They are girls that say “Woo!” after everything and wear tiny cowboy hats. Lily and Robin, who was tagging along, are mortified, and Barney, who shows up as if he has a Woo! Radar, is ecstatic. For without Woo! Girls, there would be no Girls Gone Wild. And that’s so bad?

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[photo: CBS.com]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lily has a problem. She has a friend from work, see, who she wants to hang out with outside of the elementary school walls. The problem? Said friend, Jillian, is a Woo Girl. What is a Woo Girl, you might ask? They are girls that say “Woo!” after everything and wear tiny cowboy hats. Lily and Robin, who was tagging along, are mortified, and Barney, who shows up as if he has a Woo! Radar, is ecstatic. For without Woo! Girls, there would be no Girls Gone Wild. And that’s so bad?

Meanwhile, Barney may have done something nice for once. The bank he works for is looking for an architect to build their new corporate headquarters, and Barney gets Ted an interview. This is big, people. Not only would this be the biggest contract his firm has ever gotten, but it could pull Ted out of the dumps Stella put him in. He sets to work and comes up with a classic, clean design anyone would pick.

Too bad Goliath Bank decides to go with the Svens (an architecture “collective” from Sweden, which is, according to Barney, in France). Did anyone hear that? It was a Woo! coming from Robin as she drives by in a stretch Hummer. She has converted to the Dark Side.

As Ted wallows in his depression, Lily confronts Robin. What on earth made her to become a Woo! Girl? Well, Lily, it’s all YOUR fault. Robin needs girl time and Lily’s version of girl-time always involves Marshall (who is kind of a girl, but not enough).

At work, Marshall gets some disturbing news: The only reason Goliath Bank choose the Svens is that they promised Barney the office located in the head of the fire-breathing Tyrannosaurus Rex building design. Seriously. Marshall blows up at Barney and actually makes him think. Is this worth losing friendships over?

Back at the Woo! Bar, Lily thinks she is losing Robin as a BFF. Not to worry, you. Robin, like the Woo! Girls, is just a little lost. But when she needs something “real,” she will always turn to Lilly. Barney shows up to let Ted know that the board reconsidered: Ted got the job. Hooray for everyone! (Except Barney who got tied to the mechanical bull when Ted found out it was his vote who cost him the job in the first place.)

What do YOU think? Do you know some Woo! Girls? Would that dinosaur building EVER have gotten built? Where is Sweden, anyway? Give us your Two Cents… We’ll go buy some of those cool light-up shot glasses.

Next Week: The Naked Man